Remote Learning
At St John’s we make regular use of Google Classroom. Due to this, in the event of a closure, we will be able to offer live lessons on the same day. Home learning paper packs will also be made available for longer closures. These packs will consolidate prior learning.
We aim to teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and where it is appropriate. We will ensure that the children are offered a broad and balanced range of subjects. It is expected that every child who is well will engage in remote learning. They will also submit their work and keep in contact with their teacher.
Our Current Remote Learning offer
- We will provide 3 live taught lessons each day – English, maths and a foundation subject with differentiated follow up tasks set.
- Daily pre recorded phonics with a task will be provided alongside a home leaning pack with 2 activities to be completed each day plus additional time spent reading.
- Children may at times be directed to online websites to support teaching.
- Our live lessons have the same set time each day and are recorded for parents to watch at a later date if they are unable to join the live session.
- During live lessons, questions and oral interactive activities will be used as part of the teachers ongoing assessment.
- Work submitted will be marked with some questions to help move learning on
- Small group sessions take place over the week which allow for more personalised learning.
Appropriate differentiated work for children with special educational needs will be supplied by the class teacher with support from the SENCO as needed. Where needed we also provide interventions for children with special educational needs where they have interventions set by external professionals e.g. speech and language.
We recognise that many parents/carers will also be working from home and therefore our recorded lessons can be accessed at any time to enable families to manage their commitments. We understand that our children are young but we do not expect parents to sit alongside their child continually but to encourage independence wherever possible.
We have a small number of ipads available to loan to pupils. Pupils with limited or no access will be prioritised. Printed work packs will be supplied to support the child until access is made available.