As a church school everything we do is rooted in our Christian values. RE at St John’s supports children’s personal development and develops their understanding of spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues in today’s world. At St John’s we recognise every child as a unique individual and through our RE lessons and our distinctive Christian character we empower the children to make to make informed choices about religions and moral issues. We develop positive attitudes of respect towards other people who hold different beliefs to their own and towards living in a diverse and inclusive society.
How we teach RE at St John’s
We follow the Herts Agreed Syllabus of Religious Education and, as we are a Christian school, each year group is taught three units from ‘Understanding Christianity’ – Creation, Incarnation and Salvation. Using these two documents, we have developed our own progression of skills which recognises and builds upon children’s prior learning so the children are constantly developing and improving their knowledge and experiences.
Through the RE curriculum the children learn about and from a variety of world religions through investigation, questioning, empathy, reflection, relating and expression. The children are given opportunities to gain first-hand experiences through role play, exploration of artefacts and visits and visitors within and from our school community.
Each classroom has a reflection area and children’s work is celebrated on RE displays across the school. Children participate in daily worship and have the opportunity to say the school prayer on a daily basis.