Please see below a list of all the lunch and after school clubs run in our school.
Lunch Clubs
- Monday: French (YR 2) Booked through the school via Gateway https://login.schoolgateway.com/0/auth/login
- Tuesday: Chess (YR 1 & 2) Booked via Wisdom Education
- Wednesday: Choir (No payment required)
- Thursday: Cheerleading (Reception - YR 2) Booked via http://xlr8danceandfitness.co.uk/
After School Clubs
- Monday: Football & Busy Brains Maths
- Tuesday: Tennis booked via https://tennischamps.co.uk/classes/stjohns/
- Wednesday: Tennis book via https://tennischamps.co.uk/classes/stjohns/
- Thursday: Dance Fusion (Reception - YR 2) Booked via http://xlr8danceandfitness.co.uk/
- Friday: Girls Football